I’m at that age where a lot my friends are having kids. As the resident fitness specialist in my circle of friends, my phone has been ringing off the hook with questions like: “Why am I losing my hair?” or “Why am I breaking out like a teenager in heat?”
While I myself have no experience with raising a family, I do know a fair bit when it comes to the human body. Here are some helpful tips on what to expect, and how to deal with some of the glorious changes that your body goes through after having a child.
Hair Loss: This happens because your body is readjusting after being jacked up on hormones for the last nine months. This usually starts a few weeks after delivery and may last for a few months before your hair growth cycle returns to normal. Hang in there!
Skin Discoloration: Your new mommy glow may start turning to acne or dry skin. Most women get this around their mouths or chins. The crazy thing is that for some women who suffered from severe acne during pregnancy – this may instead clear up right after giving birth. My best tip for this is to make sure you stay hydrated.
Back Pain: There are many different reasons why you may have back pain. Try and locate the root of the problem so that you can be pain free. Many women suffer from back pain because you overcompensate for your abdomen muscles (which are stretched and sore from giving birth). Another reason may be – bad posture. Ask your doctor to recommend some stretches that will suit your needs.
Tummy Bulge: I hate having to tell expectant mothers this – but they need to know! After giving birth, your body does NOT magically go back to the way it was before you became pregnant. Chances are you will have some stretch marks and even some extra poundage on your tummy. To help try using creams with Vitamin E, drinking lots of water and do some easy stomach stretches (like sit-ups).
Incontinence & Constipation: It ain’t pretty – but someone needs to warn you! The plus side is that you won’t have to pee as often as you did while you were pregnant. To help keep you regular, make sure you have a lot of water, milk and fiber. Certain juices can also help, but check with your doctor.
Swollen Legs and Arms: Drink lots of water. Walking or stretching your arms will help.
Energy: You may find that you have less energy after giving birth (big surprise, right?!). Make sure that you eat healthy and follow the recommendations that your doctor has given you. Make sure that you always give your body the rest it needs. Slowly, start introducing more and more activity into your life again. Listen to your body.
Guest Blogger: Sarah Lue
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