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Drinking while pregnant???
by Shannon D in

We've all heard about the dangers of drinking alcohol while pregnant. Does that mean that as soon as you become pregnant you have to say goodbye to that typical glass of wine after dinner? New studies have discovered some interesting findings and could change the way you think about pregnancy and alcohol.

I found a great article on ParentDish.com that discusses the findings of a recent study on alcohol consumption in pregnant women. This site has always provided informative and helpful articles for parents and this article is a must read. Check it out!

Talk to you soon,

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Their First Word...
by Shannon D in

Its always a cute and exciting time when kids learn to speak. Many new parents hope their kids first word would be "Mama" or "Daddy," something simple and expected. Sometimes, it can be something we absolutely did not expect.

The Survival Guide for Rookie Moms is a great site the relates the experiences of new moms. I found a really great article about the shocking first words of a new mother; its a definite must read. Check it out!

Talk to you soon,

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Say YES to yourself!
by Shannon D in

As moms we're naturally busy people. Its a topic that frequently comes up and a fact of life. In the midst of the multiple tasks that fill our lives, its important that we take some time for ourselves.

Laurie Cesario-Overton wrote a great article on Singlemom.com highlighting the need to take care of ourselves once and a while. Check it out!

Talk to you soon,

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Reading with your Child
by Shannon D in

Reading is a very important part of life, especially during the earlier school years of a child's life. It can be hard for some kids to get into the habit of reading regularly; the trick is to get them hooked on it at an early age.

This article on RaiseSmartKid.com provides a few very helpful tips on helping your child develop a love of reading. I've found it really helpful and if you have young children it could help you too! Check it out!

Talk to you soon,

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Add Relaxation to Your Busy Schedule
by Shannon D in

Most of us live busy lives. We work outside of the home, we take care of the family, we work inside the home... its rewarding in many ways but sometimes it feels like the work will never end! Its never a good thing to push ourselves too hard. You need to take a break... it can actually be very good for your kids!

I came across this article on WorkingMother.com that discusses the Slow Parenting Movement, an effort to add some leisure time into the job of raising kids. Its already helped me and if you're finding that you're busy all the time it could help you too. Check it out!

Talk to you soon,

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Is TV Rotting Your Child's Mind?
by Shannon D in

When I was a kid, my parents were pretty strict about the amount of time I spent watching TV. Mom would always say that watching too much TV would rot my brain, at the time I thought she was exaggerating. There wasn't any evidence to support her claims at the time so I fought against it. Even so I was limited to about an hour per day maximum, after I'd finished doing my homework of course. Today many parents are more permissive when it comes to television viewing, but is it possible that television really can rot developing minds? I came across this article on MSN, detailing a recent study of the impact of TV on young minds. It is definitely worth a read, check it out!

Talk to you soon,

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Are Your Kids Struggling In School?
by Shannon D in

Kids have been back at school for just over a month and by now you can probably get a sense of how your kids are doing with their school work. While we always hope they do well in school, sometimes they struggle and their struggles could stem from a lack of motivation. I found this great article for parents on Parenthood.com, providing tips on how to help motivate underachieving kids. It's been really helpful for me and it could be for you too. Check it out!
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